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Come participate in the Harrisville Youth City Council. If you are in grades 7th -12th, have a desire to serve, lead, learn and participate in city government, and collaborate with your peers on ways to participate in Harrisville, come join us.  

 For further information, contact Elisabeth Hansen

by email at


Meetings to be held at Harrisville City Bi-Centennial Cabin

each month unless otherwise directed.

Communication for events and meetings will occur through

a text group application known as GroupMe.



March 2023 Events: The annual Weber GOP Annual Lincoln Day Luncheon at the Timbermine Steakhouse where the YCC were able to meet many of our State Representatives including the Utah State Treasurer Marlo Oaks.

April 2023 Events: Assisted the Parks & Rec department with the Annual Easter Egg Hunt where they placed over 7,000+ eggs. Also, they passed out Safe Kids Passport booklets and other promotional materials at the Safe Kids Day held at the Newgate Mall. Lastly, at the April City Council Meeting, one of the youth presented to the City Council a summary of the service projects they have completed. They also presented an initiative to create a Harrisville City Flag. 

May 2023 Events: The YCC were able to Tour the Central Weber Sewer Treatment Facility and learn more about where the waste goes.


June & July 2023 Events: The Youth City Council took the summer months off to enjoy vacationing with family and hanging out with friends.

August 2023 Events: The Youth City Council met to review the Harrisville City Flag submissions and to make their recommendations to the City Council.

September 2023 Events: The Youth City Council participated in the Weber Remembers 9/11 project on Thursday, Sept 7 at the Weber County Fairgrounds. The youth helped out at activities, and other stations helping people be respectful and safe around the exhibit. One of the council was interviewed by KSL.

October 2023 Events: The HYCC has been busy doing so many great things. They participated in the Fall Festival by having their own booth! They gave out candy and glowsticks.  There was a board of all the amazing activities they have been involved in for the community to see. The youth helped run the booth, clean the tables, and hand out flyers to teens interested in joining HYCC. They decorated and judged the pumpkin walk as well. Trophies were presented to the winners by the HYCC. The event had an incredible turnout and as a result, 7 new members joined the Harrisville City Youth Council.


November 2023 Events: HYCC Leadership Retreat- The youth gathered at the Harrisville Cabin for their first annual leadership retreat. We started off with some yummy food. Some of the youth shared their experiences on what they have done in HYCC. With many new members, we did a get to know you game that helped us learn about each other! Johnny Ferry was the guest speaker. Johnny helped organize and implement the Weber Remembers 9/11 event with the Major Brent Taylor Foundation. We learned there are no short cuts in life. Getting to know people on many levels is important- including his “eye of the tiger” method that he taught the youth. Being proud of their heritage, where they come from and how they are so vital to building a great community were some other points he touched on. He was an energetic storyteller! We learned some Tai Chi moves too!  After Johnny, on of our youth did some team building games to help us create a sense of unity in our group. It was great! Next steps were discussed by advisor Elisabeth Hansen. There are a lot of things to look forward to. Many of the youth participated in the event, and we look forward to making this an annual activity.


Also, the HYCC had the opportunity to receive an up close and personal tour of the Weber County Elections Office this month. Ricky Hatch, Weber County Clerk/Auditor, took them on a tour throughout the office showing the group all the checks and balances that are in place to keep the voting process accurate. They had a great time!

December 2023 Events: The youth city council participated in a service project for Pioneer Elementary. Local neighbors gathered at the Andrus home to donate food and other needed supplies. The YCC helped kids make ornaments, man the food table, and helped Santa. They also weighed the food and supplies which totaled 680 pounds. All items will be donated to the Pioneer Elementary food pantry for students in need. The youth ended the night by helping clean up and load all of the donations. A wonderful evening of service and fun.

March 2024 Events: The youth city council attended the Youth Council Leadership Conference March 14-16 at Utah State. This conference was for Youth City Councils throughout Utah. There were approximately 200 youth that participated. The youth absolutely loved it! They learned about core values, habit building, team building strategies and self care. More breakout sessions included networking, civil debate and career design. Advisors were also able to collaborate with others to bring valuable ideas back to our council. The youth were able to meet other youth from all over Utah and build friendships. There was a banquet, dance, and service project they participated in as well. The entire conference was run by other youth. It was an extremely valuable learning experience for our council. They are excited to attend next year!  

The youth city council also attended the annual Weber GOP Annual Lincoln Day Luncheon. This year it was held at the Monarch. The keynote speaker for this year was Chris Stewart.

May 2024 Events: The Harrisville City Council participated in the annual Safe Kids Day event at the Newgate Mall on May 4. The youth had a great time volunteering in many areas. Some helped sort over 600 helmets that were given away. Others helped at some of the booths stamping passports for children. A few helped set up and clean up. One of our youth was instrumental in helping check in, educate, and distribute T-shirts to all volunteers participating. The youth had wonderful attitudes and represented Harrisville well.

June 2024 Events: The HYCC hosted a recruitment pool party at North Shore on June 13. Youth invited friends to learn about our council and have fun! We enjoyed hanging out and meeting new friends!

July 2024 Events: The Harrisville Youth City Council attended the senior luncheon on Tuesday, July 9 at the Harrisville Cabin. They set up, cooked burgers, mingled, and helped clean up. They enjoyed visiting and getting to know the local seniors in Harrisville. Tyra Makela was able to briefly explain some of the wonderful things the YCC participates in. Our biggest event coming up will be the Utah Youth City Council leadership conference at Utah State. The youth are individually trying to raise money to attend the conference. If you are interested in supporting the youth, please consider donating to our group. Contact Elisabeth Hansen at for more information.

October 2024 Events: The Harrisville Youth City Council- Fall Festival! Huge turn out! Our youth gave out candy, kindness slap bracelets, inspirational  stickers, and 2 prize baskets. People signed posters about what makes them happy and how they can be kind. Our youth also ran a bobbing for apples game. We gave out flyers for YCC and had a board with pictures of  some  of our activities!


November 2024 Events: For Veterans Day weekend, the Harrisville Youth City Council along with the North Ogden YCC and Woods Cross YCC all met up to hike to the Major in Coldwater Canyon. There were 40 youth that participated. We had a few simple get to know you activities before we did the hike. The youth had a great time and made some new friends!​​​​​​​​​​Come and join the YCC and serve in our community alongside them!

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December 2024 Events: The Harrisville Youth City Council participated in the Community Christmas at the Ben Lomand high school on Saturday, December 14. The youth served in the children’s carnival. They were assigned children to take through the carnival while their parents shopped for donated Christmas toys and clothes.They had a great time interacting and playing with the children. Some of us even got to use our Spanish skills for children who didn’t speak any English. Community Christmas helped 600 families receive new toys, clothing, and other items for their children for Christmas. It was a busy day and our youth really enjoyed it.


​​​​​​​​​​Come and join the YCC and serve in our community alongside them!

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