Harrisville Heritage Biographies
The information provided in these biographies was obtained from family members, family history research, and journal entries. Although the most effort has been taken to make an accurate reflection of history, it is a reflection none the less. Memories and interpretation are subjective. Therefore, the city and the history committee disclaim any errors, mistranslated, or inaccuracies that may have occurred in these biographies, including disclaiming any fact or statement where someone else may have a different understanding.
The history committee will continue to add biographies to this collection. Family members may submit biographies of deceased persons, and anyone over 80 years of age who spent the majority of their life in Harrisville. Bring the information and a picture to the Harrisville City office or e-mail to jknight@harrisvillecity.org. An updated CD will be offered periodically. A current list of biographies is available below. Copies of individual biographies may be purchased at the city office for $.25 cents a sheet.
August 2012
Agren, Samantha Cornelia Shurtleff
Crowther, Anna Louisa Josephine Hultgren
East, Ellenor Anonda Taylor Buck
Hardy, Mildred Rosetta Romrell
Harris, Florence Mildred Leggett
Jensen, Annie Almeda Daley Hunter