City of Harrisville 2023 Municipal Election Information. Notice of election
Harrisville City Election Results and Certification.
All Weber County Elections results can be found by clicking here. No results will be posted before 8 P.M. on November 21st, 2023.
We appreciate your interest and encourage your involvement in the municipal election process. The local government level is closest to home and therefore gives you direct influence on your elected officials. If you have questions about the election or running for office that are not answered here, please contact the City Recorder’s office at (801) 728.4100 x 1027.
Candidate Filings as of June 7, 2023
Candidate Withdrawal
Candidate Michael Shinsel has withdrawn from the 2023 Municipal Election. His name will not appear on the ballot.
Important 2023 Dates:
Candidate filing dates - June 1 - 7 (Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) per Utah State Code sections 20A-9-203(3)(a)(i) and 10-3-301(3)(b)(i).
The cost to file is $25.00.
General Election Day - November 21, 2023
In person voting will be held at the Weber Center (2380 Washington Blvd) November 14, 15, 16, and 17 from 12:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. and on Election Day, November 21, 2023 from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Ballot Drop Boxes are conveniently located at every city office, county library, in the Weber Center parking lot and on the campus of Weber State University. Drop boxes are open 24 hours a day and until 8:00 P.M. on Election Day.
Candidate Financial Disclosures
October 24, 2023.
This financial disclosure covers all expenditures and donations between January 1, 2023 to October 19, 2023.
November 14, 2023.
This financial disclosure covers all expenditures and donations between October 20, 2023 to November 9, 2023.
December 21, 2023
This financial disclosure covers all remaining expenditures and donations after November 10, 2023.
Key information about our Municipal Election:
Held in odd numbered years
Mayor and Council terms are for four years
Three Council seats will be open in 2023.
Declaration period is Monday - Friday, June 1-7 (per Utah Code - see links with more information above). Packets with candidate information will be available for pickup in May at the City Recorder's office at City Hall, 363 W Independence Blvd., Harrisville, UT 84404.
The General Election will be held by mail in November 2023.
The election is non-partisan (a candidate is not nominated by a party).
Candidates are at-large: elected by all voters in Harrisville City, not just one district or precinct.
Are you interested in being a City Council Candidate?
Learn more: https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title20A/Chapter9/20A-9-S203.html
VISIT WEBER ELECTIONS: Register to Vote - Learn about Candidates - Track your Ballot (BallotTrax) - Vote by Mail - Dates & Deadlines - Find Polling Locations - Early Voting Information - Election Day Voting.
